





周飞聪(1996-),博士,助理研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事隧道与地下工程研究。曾参与1项川藏铁路重点研发项目、2项国家自然科学基金项目,以及10余项企业科研课题,其涉及核心研究方向:1)复杂立体环境城市地下空间开发安全与控制;2)极端环境隧道与地下工程灾害机理与防控。累计在《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》等国内外高水平期刊发表论文36篇(SCI论文27篇、EI论文3篇,CSCD论文5篇),其中第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文16(8/8)篇。公开/授权国家专利20项,含发明专利7项;主研课题“大型复杂地下交通枢纽施工及安全控制技术研究”获2023年度中国电建科学技术奖二等奖。







1. 2023年,获“2023年度中国电建科学技术奖二等奖”;

2. 2017年,获“第十五届“挑战杯”中国银行全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖”;

3. 2017年,获“第十一届四川省大学生结构设计竞赛四川分区赛一等奖”;

4. 2017年,获“第十四届“桃战杯”四川省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖”;


1. 国家级大学生创新训练项目,项目编号201810613006,“不同开挖工况下三线特大断面铁路隧道围岩变形特征研究”,2018.05-2019.04,主持;

2. 国家重点研发计划项目,“超长深埋隧道施工地质灾害预警与防控方法及智能决策辅助平台”,2022.01-至今,参与;

3. 国家自然基金项目,“多场环境耦合作用下盐岩地层隧道结构损伤和灾变控制体系研究”,2023.01-至今,参与;

4. 国家自然基金项目,“昔格达组地层软弱围岩隧道支护及施工关键技术研究”,2018.01-2021.12,参与;


1. 中国岩石力学与工程学会,会员,2024年;

2. 担任《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、《Engineering Failure Analysis》等期刊的审稿人。


1. Zhou FC, Fan W, Lin J, Zhou P, Chen M, Wang Z. Vibration responses of the metro station induced by various train operations under unilateral deep excavation. Transportation Geotechnics 2023;42.

2. Zhou FC, Zhou P, Li J, Lin J, Ge T, Deng S, et al. Deformation characteristics and failure evolution process of the existing metro station under unilateral deep excavation. Engineering Failure Analysis 2022;131:105870.

3. Zhou FC, Zhou P, Lin J, Li J, Chen M, Deng S, et al. Failure prediction method of the anchor cables in the metro stations under unilateral deep excavation. Engineering Failure Analysis 2022;131:105814.

4. Zhou FC, Zhou P, Lin J, Jiang Y, Lin M, Fan W, et al. Causes and treatment measures of large deformation and failure of the box-frame channel above an under-construction underpass tunnel. Engineering Failure Analysis 2022;131:105906.

5. Zhou FC, Li J, Jiang Y, Qi Y, Zhang H, Zhou P, et al. Optimization of radial drainage design for Water-Rich tunnel in sandy dolomite stratum considering pressure relief effect. Structures 2023;53:861–81.

6. Zhou FC, Fan W, Zhou P, Chen M, Chen S, Wang Z, et al. A New Combined Support Technology to Prevent the Failure of the Existing Metro Station Induced by Unilateral Excavation. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2023;27:1249–69.

7. Zhou FC, Zhou P, Li J, Ge T, Lin J, Wang Z. Key Parameters Design Method of AGF Method for Metro Connecting Passage in Water-Rich Coastal Area. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2022;26:5301–17.

8. Zhou P, Zhou FC*, Jiang Y, Li J, Lin J, Lin M, et al. Study on the mechanism of tunnel catastrophe in Xigeda formation considering the interbed effect. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2023;135:105054–4.

9. Fan W, Zhou FC*, Xie S, Zhao M, Deng S, Li J, et al. An automated health monitoring system for uncoordinated deformation between the metro station side wall and row piles. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 2023;12.

10. Jiang Y, Zhou FC*, Lin J, et al. Evolution mechanism of tunnel water and sand inrush considering water-rich sandy dolomite hazard-causing structures. Engineering Failure Analysis 2023.

11. Zhou P, Feng Y, Zhou FC*, Wei Z, Gou S, Xu H, et al. Evaluation system of worker comfort for high geothermal tunnel during construction: A case study on the highway tunnel with the highest temperature in China. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2023;135:105028–8.

12. 王志杰,周飞聪,周平等.基于强近接大型基坑单侧开挖卸载既有车站变形理论研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(10):2131-2147.

13. 王志杰,周飞聪,周平等.高寒高海拔隧道保温层敷设方式及设计参数优化[J].中国公路学报,2020,33(08):182-194.


1. 王志杰,周飞聪,周平,姜逸帆,李金宜,林嘉勇,杜逸文.一种边界刚度可变的多功能装配式轻质岩土试验箱. CN202110012232.9,发明专利,2021-05-18.

2. 唐家斌,文凌云,胡盛,周飞聪,范文昊,谢盛昊,王志杰.一种用于隧道工程监测的分布式光纤结构应变标定的试验方法. CN202310199062.9,发明专利,2023-07-04.

3. 周飞聪,王志杰,姜逸帆,周平,徐海岩,蔡李斌,邓宇航.一种隧道火灾预警及消防一体化装置. CN201921793480.6,实用新型,2020-07-17.


1. 学术型硕士:桥梁与隧道工程

2. 专业型硕士:土木工程岩土与地下工程