[1] CHEN Zixuan, XIAO Jianzhuang*, DING Tao, et al. Behaviours of novel prefabricated RAC-HSC composite beams subjected to fire: An experimental and numerical study. Engineering Structures, 2025, 322:119108.
[2] CHEN Zixuan, XIAO Jianzhuang*, DING Tao, et al. Push-off test on concrete-concrete interface with different types of concrete after elevated temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 377:131157.
[2] XIAO Jianzhuang, CHEN Zixuan, DING Tao*, et al. Bending behaviour of steel cable reinforced 3D printed concrete in the direction perpendicular to the interfaces. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 125:104313.
[3] XIAO Jianzhuang, CHEN Zixuan, DING Tao*. Effect of recycled aggregate concrete on the behavior of DfD beam-column joints under cyclic loading. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2021, 24(8): 1709-1723.
[4] WANG Ziyue, CHEN Zixuan, XIAO Jianzhuang*, et al. Experimental study on interfacial shear behavior of 3D printed recycled mortar. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2023. DOI: 10.1089/3dp.2022.0338.
[5] 陈子璇, 肖建庄*, 丁陶. 混凝土-混凝土层间界面的性能及在组合混凝土结构中的应用评述. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 49(7): 964-974.
[6] 陈子璇, 李新星, 肖建庄*等. 墩粗钢筋在高强钢纤维混凝土中的黏结锚固性能. 建筑材料学报, 2023, 26(9): 1003-1010.
[7] 肖建庄*, 陈子璇. U型组合再生混凝土-高强混凝土梁抗火性能. 工程力学, 2024, 41(6):9-18.
[8] CHEN Zixuan, XIAO Jianzhuang*. Bending behaviors of U-type RAC composite beam before and after fire exposure. Applications of Structural Fire Engineering 2024. Guangxi Nanning, China, 2024.
[9] 发明专利:肖建庄, 陈子璇, 丁陶. 用于3D打印混凝土与钢筋黏结性能测试的试件制作装置. (ZL 202010249429.X) (已授权)
[10] 发明专利:肖建庄, 陈子璇. 一种U型再生混凝土组合梁及其设计、施工方法. (已公开)