[1] Yan Z, Chen X, et al. Feasibility of replacing proton exchange membranes with pressure-driven membranes in membrane electrochemical reactors for high salinity organic wastewater treatment[J]. WATER RES. 2024, 254, 121340 (中科院一区,行业顶级,IF=12.800).
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[8] Yan Z, Lu Z, Chen X, et al. Integration of seeding- and heating-induced crystallization with membrane distillation for membrane gypsum scaling and wetting control[J]. DESALINATION. 2021, 511: 115115(中科院一区, IF=9.900).
[9] Fan G, Zhang J, Zhan J, et al. Recyclable self-floating A-GUN-coated foam as effective visible-light-driven photocatalyst for inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa[J]. J HAZARD MATER. 2021, 419: 126407(中科院一区, IF=13.600,通讯作者).
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[11] Fan G, Chen Z, Yan Z, et al. Efficient integration of plasmonic Ag/AgCl with perovskite-type LaFeO3: Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity for removal of harmful algae[J]. J HAZARD MATER. 2021, 409: 125018(中科院一区, IF=13.600).
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[13] Yan Z, Jiang Y, Chen X, et al. Evaluation of applying membrane distillation for landfill leachate treatment[J]. DESALINATION. 2021, 520: 115358(中科院一区, IF=9.900).
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