










担任《Transportation Science》、《Transportation Research Part C》《IEEE Transactions on ITS》、《Transportation Research Record》、《Transportmetrica A: Transport Science》等期刊的审稿人





2016年9月 – 2021年9月,纽约大学,交通规划及工程专业,博士

2013年9月 – 2016年6月,同济大学,交通运输工程专业,硕士

2009年9月 – 2013年6月,同济大学,交通工程专业,学士




2024.9- 至今, 福州大学,土木工程学院交通工程系,副教授



Lin, D.C., and Li, L.* (2023) An Efficient Safety-Oriented Car-Following Model for Connected Automated Vehicles Considering Discrete Signals. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(8): 9783-9795.

Li, L., and Lin, D.C.* (2022) Design and Comparative Analysis on Real-Time Trade of Road Priority in Connected Traffic. IEEE Access, 10 (2022): 52210-52222.

Li, L., Pantelidis, T., Chow, J., and Jabari, S.E.* (2021) A real-time dispatching strategy for shared automated electric vehicles with performance guarantees. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 152(2021), 102392.

Pantelidis, T., Li, L., Ma, T., Chow, J.*, and Jabari, S.E. (2021). Node-charge graph-based online carshare rebalancing with capacitated electric charging. Transportation Science, 2021.

Li, L., and Lin, D.C.* (2021) Three-Player Cooperative Game With Side-Payments for Discretionary Lane Changes of Connected Vehicles. IEEE Access, 9 (2021): 159848-159857.

Li, L.*, Okoth, V., and Jabari, S.E. (2020). Backpressure Control with Estimated Queue Lengths for Urban Network Traffic. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 15(2), 320-330.

Li, L., and Jabari, S.E.* (2019). Position weighted backpressure intersection control for urban networks. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 128, 435-461.

Lin, D.C., Li, L., and Jabari, S.E.* (2019) Pay to change lanes: A cooperative lane-changing strategy for connected/automated driving. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, 550-564.

Lin, D.C., Ma, W.J.*, Li L., and Wang Y.H. (2016). A driving force model for non-strict priority crossing behaviors of right-turn drivers. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 83, 230-244.

Ma, W.J.*, Li, L., Wu, Z.Z. (2014). Investigation of the performance of two-way left-turn lane on roads with staggered intersections. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(12): 1005-1018.

You, X.M., Li, L., Ma, W.J.* (2013). A coordinated model for signal timings of full continuous flow intersections. Transportation Research Record 2356, 23–33.


Lin, D.C., Li, L.*, Xue, N., and Wang, L. (2023). Learning Imminent Throughput for Real-time Intersection Control with Deep Neural Network. In 2023 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). IEEE.

Tang, W.Y., Wang, L.*, and Li, L. (2023). Research on License Plate Recognition Algorithm in Hazy Weather Based on Deep Learning. In 2023 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). IEEE.

Li, L., Pantelidis, T., Chow, J., and Jabari, S.E.* (2021) A real-time dispatching strategy for shared automated electric vehicles with performance guarantees. 24th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, 2021, Beijing, China.

Li, L., Lin, D.C.*, and Jabari, S.E. (2020). A User-Based Charge and Subsidy Scheme for Single O-D Network Mobility Management. In 2020 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). IEEE.

Li, L.* and Jabari S.E. (2020) A decentralized network control approach based on continuum traffic flow modeling. 99th Annual Meeting of the TRB (No. 20-01726).

Lin, D.C., Li, L., Tembine, H., and Jabari, S.E.* (2019) Pay to change lanes: A cooperative lane-changing strategy for connected/automated driving. 98th Annual Meeting of the TRB (No. 19-04412).

Li, L., Lin, D.C., Pantelidis, T., Chow, J., and Jabari, S. E.* (2019). An Agent-based Simulation for Shared Automated Electric Vehicles with Vehicle Relocation. In 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) (pp. 3308-3313). IEEE.

Li, L.*, and Lin, D.C. (2018) A Safety-oriented Car-following Model for Connected Automated Vehicles. UAE GSRC (Graduate Students Research Conference).

Lin, D.C., Li, L., and Jabari, S.E.* (2018) Lane changing strategies for connected vehicles using cooperative game theory. UAE GSRC (Graduate Students Research Conference).

Li, L.*, and Ma, W.J. (2017) A Collision-Free Car-Following Model for Connected Automated Vehicles. 96th Annual Meeting of the TRB (No. 17-03236).

Li, L., Lin, D.C., Chen, X.H., Ma, W.J.* (2015) Saturation flow rate of shared non-motorized lane at intersections. 94th Annual Meeting of the TRB (No.15-0837).

Lin, D.C., Li, L., Zang, Z.Q., Ma, W.J.* (2015) New saturation flow rate adjustment method of shared right-turn lanes with bikes’ effect in China. 94th Annual Meeting of the TRB (No.15-3594).

Lin, D.C., Chen, X.H.*, Lin, B., Li, L. (2014) Phenomena and characteristics of moped-passing-bicycle on shared lanes. 93rd Annual Meeting of the TRB (No.14-1970).

Chen X.H.*, An, K., Li, L. (2014) Study on influencing factors of bike lane capacity. 93rd Annual Meeting of the TRB (No.14-4930).

Wu, M.M., Ma, W.J.*, Li, L. (2013) Characterize dilemma zone and its effect on coordinated signalized intersections. CICTP Conference.


Li, L. and Jabari S.E. A decentralized control approach using kinematic traffic theory. INFORMS 2019. Seattle, WA.

Li, L. and Jabari S.E. A real-time relocation strategy for a station based autonomous/electric vehicle sharing system. INFORMS 2018. Phoenix, AZ.