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[2] Guangda Zhang, Sibo Su, Qiang Han, Kun Xu, Zhipeng Li, Xiuli Du. Experimental and numerical investigation of seismic performance of prefabricated double-column piers used in accelerated bridge construction[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 293: 116688.
[3] Guangda Zhang, Qiang Han, Kun Xu, Xiuli Du, Weili He. Quasi-static tests of CFST embedded RC Column-to-Precast Cap Beam with socket connection [J]. Engineering Structures, 2021,241: 112443.
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[6] Sibo Su, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Jiexin Yu, Xiuli Du. Numerical analysis of high-strength centrifugal precast RC hollow pipe columns using grouted corrugated duct connection: confinement effect and ductility evaluation [J]. Engineering Structures, 2024, 301: 117326.
[7] Xiaolong Si, Guangda Zhang*, Yanchen Song, Qiang Han, Bin Liu, Xiuli Du, Yuhong Ma. Evaluation of seismic performance and damage characteristics of column-footing joints with shallow socket connection [J]. Engineering Structures, 2024; 311:118172.
[8] Sibo Su, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Daxing Zhou, Peng Liu, Xiuli Du. Shear performance and failure mechanism of socket CFST column-beam connection with UHPC grouting [J]. Engineering Structures, 2024; 313:118270.
[9] Zhixin Zhu, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Zhipeng Li, Li Xu, Xiuli Du. Nonlinear hysteretic model of prefabricated pier-cap beam joint with CFST socket connection[J]. Engineering Structures, 2025, 330: 119908.
[10] Xiaolong Si, Yanchen Song, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Xiuli Du, Bin Liu. Mechanical model analysis of column-footing joints with combined socket-corrugated pipe connection [J]. Composite Structures, 2025, 353: 118666.
[11] Sibo Su, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Li Xu, Daxing Zhou, Xiuli Du. Quasi-static tests of full-scale precast canopy beam-column joints with UHPC-filled grouted corrugated ducts connection [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 96: 110383.
[12] Sibo Su, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Daxing Zhou, Peng Liu, Xiuli Du. Tensile performance of UHPC-filled grouted corrugated duct connection for large-diameter rebars in prefabricated canopies [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 80: 107905.
[13] Xiaopeng Li, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Junlong Zhou, Xiaomin Liu, Xiuli Du. Mechanical behavior of splice joints for precast bridge columns connected by grouted sleeves[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2023, 173: 108078.
[14] Qiang Han, Sibo Su, Guangda Zhang*, Kun Xu, Xiuli Du. Stiffness estimation of UHPC-filled socket column-foundation joints: numerical investigation and analytical model[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 170: 00057.
[15] Sibo Su, Guangda Zhang*, Qiang Han, Daxing Zhou, Li Xu, Peng Liu, Xiuli Du. Bond-slip behavior of UHPC-filled CFST bridge column-beam socket connection: Experimental study and analytical model. Structures, 2024; 63: 106418.
[16] Xiaolong Si, Jianian Wen, Guangda Zhang, Zhenlei Jia, Qiang Han. Seismic Evaluation of Double-column Pier with Socket Connections[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 282: 03322.
[17] Xiaopeng Li, Guangda Zhang, Qiang Han, Kun Xu, Huihui Dong, Xiuli Du. Shear behavior of low-aspect-ratio precast bridge columns with grouted sleeve connection considering the effect of axial load ratios[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2023, 28(4): 04023008.
[18] Lei Dong, Aijun Yao, Daxing Zhou, Guangda Zhang, Pengfei Zhang. Experimental study on seismic behavior of T-joints of composite shell system with prefabricated underground pipe gallery[J]. Structures, 2023, 58: 105572
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